May the year 5785 be a victorious year for Ukrainians and Israelis - Boris Lozhkin

May the year 5785 be a victorious year for Ukrainians and Israelis - Boris Lozhkin

"The Jewish wise men speak of three Books that are opened at the end of the year on Rosh Hashanah: the Book for the wholly righteous, the Book for the wholly wicked, and the Book for the intermediates," - wrote on Facebook the President of the JCU Boris Lozhkin.

"The wholly righteous are immediately given life in the coming year and the judgment is sealed. The wholly wicked are immediately given and confirmed the death sentence. As for the intermediate people, they have to wait for the verdict until Yom Kippur.

For the records of both Ukrainians and Israelis who survived the year of trials and losses, a place is reserved in the first among these Books. There is no doubt about it.

The rocket attack on Israel yesterday, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, as well as the daily shelling of Ukraine clearly indicate who the second book is intended for.

May the year 5785 be a victorious year for our nations".

Shanah Tovah!

Glory to Ukraine!

Shalom Israel!